Baby Druin

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Our Wedding.

 so were now officially husband and wife. YAY!!! it was a great day. we got married downtown at noon, then got back to the truck and had a flat tire. haha. thankfully there was a tire place not to far and we made it there right when it got completely flat. Aaron and Todd were with us as our witnesses, and it was nice. Brian, Aaron an I walked to o'sheys and ate. once again we had a bad waiter like we always do somewhere lol but it was still fun. later that night we went to forth street with higgy and Aaron and partied. we had a ton of fun and it was really nice. im so happy to be married to my best friend finally.


  1. I just started reading your blog, but congrats! You can tell your son/daughter that they were at your wedding. :)

  2. I can't find where to or how to subscibe girl.

  3. but wow! congrats pretty lady

  4. thanks i think its at the very top left hand corner but ill add the button too on the right side
